Jaya Utama

Riau Model


How To Unlock the Bootloader & Root Your HTC One M8

Unlock the Bootloader & Root Your HTC One M8

The Prerequisites

  1. Make sure your phone is at least 60% charged.
  2. Register for an account at HTCdev.
  3. Enable USB debugging in your phone's Developer options.
  4. Un-check "Fast boot" on your phone by going to Settings -> Battery Manager.
  5. Install ADB and Fastboot on your computer.
  6. Make sure to back up all of your app data using either ADB or HTC Sync, because you will be wiping your phone.
  7. Install the HTC One M8 drivers on your computer (if you have HTC Syncinstalled, then you already have them).

How to Unlock Your Bootloader

Step 1Enter Fastboot Mode

Locate Your Identifier Token

Log into HTCdev

Step 5Get Your Code Emailed to You

Download the Unlock Code

Step 7Initiate the Unlock Code

Step 8Confirm on Your HTC One

How to Install TWRP Recovery & SuperSU

Step 9Download SuperSU

Step 10Enter Fastboot Mode

Step 11Download TWRP

Step 12Flash Your Recovery

Step 13Erase the Cache

Step 14Boot into Recovery

Step 15Install SuperSU in Recovery & Reboot

Now That You're Rooted, Where to Next?

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